Despite the cold and rain, we had 26 fit and eager participants ready to sweat it out Halloween Style.
The Halloween Bootcamp was a lot of fun and a big success! We had a great turn out despite the cold and rain that day. We had 26 people come out and were able to raise $453!
I can’t believe the turn out that day, it was really cold, raining and I am sure we had ice that day. To get things started and warm we did a light jog around the park followed by some kickboxing drills.
Here we are exercising with pumpkins, this exercise is called squat and press. Notice the cones in the back ground; to end the day we did 25 & 50 meter wind sprints for 3 min. Ouch!
Michele and Andrea are showing of their skills kicking the yoga mat. This was pretty impressive because we just finished with lunges and laterals.
Finally, for the core circuit, what better way warm up the trunk than with a good old pumpkin toss! After that we did 150 crunches and super set them with 30 reps of push ups.
Thanks to everyone who came out for a great workout and a great cause!