Vegetables and Protein Diet, Part 2: A Farewell to Bland

Vegetables and Protein Diet, Part 2: A Farewell to Bland

Eating a vegetables and proteins diet is key to healthy living and achieving your fitness goals. In part one of this series, I talked about how you could set yourself up for successful adoption of this healthy food habit by snacking smart, by adding foods instead of taking them away, and by changing the way you shop for your family. If you haven’t read part one, you can find it here.

In this article, I talk about three cooking techniques that will have you looking forward to healthy eating.

Tip #1: Your Grill is Your Best Friend

Cooking over an open flame opens up a whole world of flavour options to any vegetable or protein you prepare. With BBQ season right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to make your meals in the backyard! Some die-hard grillmasters already have their BBQ up and running.

Sample vegetables and protein diet, one

If you want to smoke your vegetables and proteins, put a few wood chips in a pan on the grill and add your food when the chips are smoking, making sure to close the lid and enjoy the infused flavour bonanza.

No outdoor grill? That’s fine. Set your oven to broil, put your veggies on a cookie tray with a little foil and get ready to enjoy a delicious, crispy meal.

From squash to mushrooms, there’s no vegetable or fruit that can’t be prepared on a grill. If you’re feeling adventurous, try grilling some pineapple or mango.

Sample vegetables and protein diet, two

Tip #2: Braise to Your Heart’s Content

Braising is an easy way to cook your vegetables and proteins that you might not do very often, but it’s a great way of adding a unique taste to whatever you might be preparing.

Braising involves cooking your food in a little bit of liquid. What this liquid consists of is completely up to you. Use vegetable or chicken stock, unsweetened (preferably homemade) fruit juice, vinegar, dry wine, sherry or even water.

Prepare your vegeatbles in a pan or a covered pot (for the oven) and cover your food about halfway with the liquid of your choice. Simmer over low to medium heat and get ready for a treat! You could cook the same vegetable three times in the same day and get a different meal every time simply by changing the liquid you braise it with.

Tip#3: Make Your Own Glaze

When you fry something, you will often end up with browned crispy leftovers in the pan. These are the secret ingredients to a quick, delicious sauce. These leftovers are actually proteins and sugars that have been caramalized by the heat, and they are simply too good to throw away!

Sample vegetables and protein diet, three

After frying your meats and vegetables, pour some liquid into the pan and scrape off the crispy goodness from its base. As the liquid evaporates, you will end up with a sauce that you can either add to your meal, enhancing its flavours, or save for another meal.

Enjoy Your Vegetables and Protein Diet

Eating vegetables and proteins doesn’t have to be a tasteless experience. By taking the time to experiment with different cooking techniques, you can come to enjoy a wide range of culinary possiblities!

Grilling, braising and deglazing are just three ways to change things up in your kitchen. Investing in a good cookbook, exchanging recipes with friends, or looking for options online can help you find even more ways to eat vegetables and proteins. Consider it an investment in reaching your fitness goals.

In part three of this series I talk about what proteins you should look for, the ones you should avoid, and how you can get protein with every meal, without having to resort to an all-meat diet. [link to part three on “In part three”]

Burke Cleland

Ottawa / Westboro Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, and Boot Camps


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