More energy, increased alertness, and a better mood all day long; who doesn’t want that? That’s what the Lean Eating Coaching Program offers. Well…that and money. But I’ll get back to the money part later.
As a Certified Precision Nutrition (PN) Coach, I’m often given a behind the scenes look at what’s in store for the next year. And what’s in store is awesome! I’m proud to say that thanks to the work I do with PN, I can now offer my Ottawa clients the exclusive opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a fitness and nutrition coaching program that is changing lives across North America.
Some of my own clients have already reaped the rewards of the Lean Eating Coaching Program. One of my clents has just finished the program. Read about her amazing results here.
Interested in Having the Same Results? Here’s Your Chance!
This program features personal attention to client needs and highly sophisticated support for a whole 12 months. The thing is, in order to make a program like this work, Precision Nutrition can only accept a limited number of participants to the Lean Eating Coaching Program every year. Otherwise your program and your results would be compromised.
So while official registrations go live on July 17th, 2013, I’m offering my clients the exclusive opportunity to register before the general public!
I have already witnessed some amazing transformations with my clients on this program and I know you can see great results from it as well.
About the $250,000?
Right, well I guess you want to hear more about that. It’s all pretty simple. In order to encourage participants in the Lean Eating Coaching Program to do well, Precision Nutrition is giving away a grand total of $250,000 to the program participants who do an amazing job in reaching their weight loss goals.
Some of that money is your’s for the taking, as long as you register, follow the instructions and remain 80% compliant or more. But it’s going to be even easier for you, because you have an edge.
The Secret to Success in Your Lean Eating Coaching Program
If you register to the Lean Eating Coaching Program before July 17, 2013, I am going to give you a free 5-week membership to my Lean Eating Boot Camp. That means:
- Additional health and fitness tracking;
- Exercise demonstrations and a personalized workout routine to support your Lean Eating Coaching Program; and
- Ongoing, FREE support for the first 5-weeks of your Lean Eating Coaching Program!
Just drop in at any time during that 5-week period to enjoy 360 support on your fitness journey.
Still don’t believe me? Here’s a video testimonial of one of my clients who completed the program, transformed her physique and her life, and won one of the runner up prizes of $1000.
Click here and register today for your place in the Lean Eating Coaching Program!
Want more information? If you follow the link below, you will be able to sign up for a free short video introduction to the Lean Eating Coaching Program, which will answer most of your questions about how the program works.
And you know what? Even if you don’t want to sign up, you should watch these videos because they convey information about fat loss that is better than 90% of the diet information out there. So go ahead and watch them. You’ll be happy you did.
FREE Fat Loss Crash Course For Women
FREE Fat Loss Crash Course For Men
Or go directly to the Lean Eating Coaching Program Presale List
Results speak for themselves, and money speaks louder than words. The Lean Eating Coaching Program gives away $250 000 worth of prizes for every cohort of people in the program.
Let me know once you’ve registered for the program and we can get started on your 5-week free boot camp!
Burke Cleland
Precision Nutrition Certified Coach
Own of Burke Cleland Personal Training Studio