Burke's Quest for The Perfect Shake

Burke’s Quest for The Perfect Shake

Two years ago I was inspired by Dr. John Berardi in his quest for the perfect shake. Now after two solid years of practice, I’m ready to share with you my tips for delicious, nutritious shakes that you can use as a meal replacement or as a dietary supplement.

My shakes are not simply protein shakes;  I prefer to call them Nutritious Shakes because they are full of healthy natural vitamin sources and include protein, healthy carbs, and healthy fats. They are way more than just protein! Clients have asked me about the fats and carbs in the shake, expressing a concern that the shakes will cause them to gain weight. Certain athletes indeed use protein supplements after tough weightlifting workouts for the purpose of repairing and regenerating torn muscle fibres and gaining weight.

The Perfect Nutrition Shake - Assortment of Fruits and Vegetables - Ottawa Nutrition Coaching

The Perfect Nutrition Shake - Protein - Ottawa Nutrition Coaching

My shakes are not designed with this goal in mind, and if you are exercising and not overeating, will not cause you to gain weight. The purpose of using these shakes is to incorporate more healthy nutrients in to your daily life without too much difficulty. In return you can reap the rewards of having a lean and fit body.


The first thing you will need is a blender. You can get any old blender but you probably already know that they vary considerably in terms of price, quality and durability. At the low end of the price range, the Magic Bullet is a good little device if you travel a lot, however it does not have a long shelf life. Now if you want the best money can offer you can buy a Vita-Mix. If you are a pro shake-maker and all-around foodie, this might be the right investment for your future of blending and food processing. The Vita-Mix can start at a whopping $579. At around 10x the price of a Magic Bullet, you might want to consider a middle-ground option.  For this I would recommend the Ninja, available at Canadian tire for $99 and sometimes they go on sale for $69:

The Perfect Nutrition Shake - Vita-Mix Blender - Ottawa Nutrition Coaching

The Perfect Nutrition Shake - Ninja Blender - Ottawa Nutrition Coaching

I have had my Ninja now for two years and I run it on average once or twice per day. That’s over a thousand blends and it still runs perfectly.

Mind you, if Santa brings me a Vita-Mix one year, I won’t turn it away! Stella, are you reading these newsletters?

For Perfect Shake recipes please visit:
Popeye’s Shake

Burke Cleland
Ottawa Personal Training Studio
Personal Training & Nutrition Coaching

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