Burke's Give Away Contest

Burke’s Give Away Contest
Burke’s Ottawa Fitness Give Away Contest


I am going to be running a give away contest and would like to for you to participate.

Entering is easy!
Answer the following question by posting in the comments section below:

How has a commitment to health and fitness improved your life?

Two winners will be randomly chosen from all the responses on the blog. One entry per person. Duplicate entries will be removed.

I will be giving out the following prizes:

  • 1st place: 3 personal training sessions valued at $240 (non-transferrable, expiry December 31, 2012)
  • Runner’s up will receive: regular Living Fuel protein powder valued at $50 (for pick up only) or One free personal training session (non-transferrable, expiry December 31, 2012)

Good luck!


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I’ll go first :) it’s improved my energy and how I feel about myself. It’s also made me a better mom who is raising healthy kids :)


Simply put, my commitment to health has enhanced my life in mind, body and spirit in all areas of my life. I’ve learned that it’s not just how I train, it’s also what I eat that will improve my performance and keep my energy level consistent. Excited to have an opportunity to take my fitness to the next level. :)

Kellie Stewart

It has given me more energy and enabled me to keep up with a toddler and a newborn. I sleep better, think clearer and positively reinforcing the role of exercise to my children, which, in a world of technology, is even more vital

I think that committing to health and fitness has made me a much more confident person, and makes me feel like I am capable of anything. I used to think that it wasn’t possible for me to make long-term changes to my fitness, but now that I’ve accomplished this it makes me wonder, what else am I capable of?

Gerry Bungay

More energy feel fantastic great coaching and motivation.Looking forward to continuing on to accomplish my goals


Havent been successful yet, been trying though… When i have, it has improved my life by making me feel younger.

Diane Colbeck

I have an
increase in energy, well-being and strength in my body. My mind is young and
adventurous so having a healthy body energized, strong and healthy; one that
can keep up with my young mind, allows and will continue to allow me to do
anything my heart and mind dream of doing as I age in number. To be able to see
and do anything my heart and mind dream of doing until I am 90+ years young … that
is living my dream and manifesting my destiny which is my purpose in this
lifetime. The time to do it is NOW not LATER!

My commitment to eating healthy and exercising makes me feel good by giving me more energy and confidence.

Matt Sumegi

When I don’t exercise, life feels harder. I’m not as energetic or focused
and I get tired more easily. If I take several days off, it
starts to affect my mood, my energy levels and my outlook on life. Now I know, I’d rather deal with the challenge of getting through a
workout than the consequences of not doing it.

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