Results from Boot Camp for Youth Services

Results from Boot Camp for Youth Services

Finally a nice sunny day to enjoy an action-packed boot camp filled with water balloon dodge ball, an army style circuit, and training and stretching with Gloria. Best of all, all the proceeds went to the YSB.

After the warm up participants lined up to run through an army circuit filled with rock jumping, water balloon landmines, jumping over hurdles, zig zagging through trees and then getting sprayed with water to finish it off.

Now that everyone was clearly warmed up we had some fun playing water balloon dodge ball. There was just one slight rule that I decided to alter at the last minute and that was there were “NO OUTS”. This made the game so much more active because there no breaks.

Just in case you were not hit with water balloons or blasted by the hose, I had one more trick up my sleeve. I decided to fill up balloons to their maximum and got everyone in a circle, to pass the balloons, making the circle bigger until there were no balloons left.

This year I have decided to triple my efforts in creating awareness for Youth Services and it paid off. We broke last year’s record and raised $590. Special thanks for everyone coming out and making the best of the hot weather. Also, like to thank the following people who donated over $50:

Diane Colbeck

Cathy Mayoh

Francine & Ger Nadeau

Dhiraj Gangaraju

Andrea Guilbault

Keira Torkko

The Youth Services help teens regain their confidence by providing shelter, education and employment opportunities. They also help teens who are in crisis. My mission for the YSB is not just to raise money but also to create positive awareness and educate people by having fun through my boot camps.

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