Ottawa Personal Training Success Story: Maria

Ottawa Personal Training Success Story: Maria
I would like to congratulate Maria in her success with achieving her fitness and weight loss goals. Originally she started chiropractic to help correct imbalances in her back.  Later her chiropractor referred to me to help strengthen her back. She was an excellent student and was always compliant with her program. Now Maria is able to attend my more advanced group program called Core Kickboxing. She has also lost 35lbs and has a strong body. Way to go Maria! I always look forward to your smiling face each class.Maria’s Testimonial:

I love attending Burke’s Core Kickboxing after a stressful day.  I’ve been attending for almost a year now.  This allows me the opportunity to help other members who are new to the class and pass off some of the knowledge Burke has taught me.  I’ve noticed that I have more energy and drive to start each day.  I’ve lost weight and have had to to donate some of my clothes, which is a great thing!
Four years ago, I had issues with my lower back and there were days when I could not complete my tasks at home.  After meeting Burke, he taught me exercises to help strengthen my lower back and give me more energy.  Now walking is huge for me, so I try to go out as much as I can and walk.  Ottawa is a beautiful city and there are places where one can walk or simply enjoy nature.
I also want to add that I’ve embraced changes to my food preparation.  I’ve lessened my food intake.  I eat more quinoa than rice, avoid processed foods, and lessened red meat.  I eat more of fish and vegetables.  Meals would have to be baked, grilled, broiled or boiled.  I enjoy preparing my smoothies in the morning and preparing fresh juice in the evening.


Burke Cleland
Ottawa Personal Training & Nutrition Coaching
Personal Training Studio


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